On 7 February 2020, a meeting was held at Hønefoss in Viken. The purpose of the meeting was to gather the Knights in Priorat Norway who live in the area west of Oslo to see if there was a will to establish a Commander in the area. The will was there and the execution ability was good.
The founding meeting of the Commander was held in Hønefoss on 8 March 2020. Geir Olsen, K.T - as initiator - was elected the Commander's first Commander, Grand Prior for Priority Norway was also present. The command covers the Diocese of Tunsberg, which consists of the former counties of Buskerud and Vestfold. Commander Tunsberg was, on behalf of the Grand Master, formally approved by the Grand Prior General at the Grand Presidium meeting on 28 April 2020.
Welcome to Commandery Tunsberg
Commander Tunsberg is affiliated with Priorat Norway, which is under Major Priority Scandinavia. Which in turn is part of the O.S.M.T.H (Ordo Superemus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani).
Due to the ongoing pandemic that hit the country in March 2020, the start-up has been affected by this. Kommanderi Tunsberg hopes to be able to mark its establishment by arranging National Knights' Day on 18 September 2021.
The command is led by a Commander with the support of a Convention (board) which holds regular board meetings and a Knights' Assembly (annual meeting). The Convention was elected with the following functions: commander, deputy commander, treasurer, master of ceremonies, intendant, secretary and chancellor.
Geir Olsen, K.T
Commander, Commandery Tunsberg