The Knights Templar, The Grand Priory of Scandinavia

The Knights Templar, Grand Priory of Scandinavia


Gérard WilleryGérard Willery has been chosen as our new Grandmaster by all of the world's Knights of Templar. The formal election was held in Paris on Saturday, November 24th. In the role of Grandmaster, Willery is following the Portuguese Count Dom Fernando de Sousa Fontes, who died in May 2018.

Gérard Willery has previously been Grand Prior for Priorat France, and in this position, for more than a decade, he has put down his entire soul to create an internationally active working organization within the Order. He is 70 years old, married and has two grown children as well as grandchildren. In addition to his involvement in the Knight Templars, Willery is a senior executive in several French companies and organizations. He has a large international field of work and network. He became a Knight in the Knight Templars 1998 and the French Grand Prior 2005.

The formal election was held in Paris on Saturday, November 24th. All four Scandinavian national priorities were represented, as did the Estonian Priority. In addition, Grand Prior General for Scandinavia participated and 30 National Priorities were represented by their Grand Priors or nominated delegates. As a result, the whole of the Temple of Reign, just over 6,000 Knights, was represented at this historic and very solemn occasion.

Text: Owe Wagermark, K.G.C.T.J