The Knights Templar, The Grand Priory of Scandinavia

The Knights Templar, Grand Priory of Scandinavia

Knight's Hit Priorat Sweden at P7 2014-05-10

Priory of Sweden/South conducted a Knight Meeting at the South Skåne Regiment P7 Revingehed. Responsible for today's meeting were Deputy C P7 Colonel and KTJ Jörgen Forsberg.Jörgen Forsberg

Jörgen gave a presentation on the activities of the regiment, troop training, infrastructure investment and the current Home Guard exercise that takes place on the heath.

After the data were treated to lunch and a subsequent tour of the Garrison area where Jörgen including informed of the memorial for fallen soldiers at the Southern Field and regimental symbol "Double Oaks"

Back in the meeting room Jonas Stålhandske Palovaara, KCTJ and Grand webmaster gave information about the international Knights meeting in Paris for 700 years in memory of Jacques de Molay (burned at the stake 1314-03-18) then Jonas gave some informed about annual meeting in Skara on April 26 and finally gave Jonas a presentation about the Knights Templars new web site and displayed the same.

The meeting concluded by major and KTJ LET Andersson gave information about the ongoing Home Guard exercise, the joints, exercise layup etc.

GÖte Andersson, KGOTJ thanked all present for a nice Knight meeting and finished the meeting with an offering that goes to the Knights Templars Humanitarian Fund.

Jonas Stålhandske Palovaara, KCTJ
Grand Webmaster